About 20 miles south of Seattle. I'm lucky enough to live in a place where I have the water and the mountains in the same place.
I have been married for 3 years, to this man:
He doesn't wish to be seen, but he has given me permission to call him Ogre on the blog. Possible name change in the future however.
And now to show you the reason why my blog is titled the way it is:
This is the boy. Learn this face. It's the face of deception. Do not be fooled by his good looks. Angus is a little over a year old and the most difficult dog ever. On the flip side of his obedience issues, he is a great dog. Super smart, he just chooses not to show it.
Now for a little bit about me. I'm a 26 year old, stay at home wife, with 2 dogs. I'm currently going to school for Medical Office Assisting. Or a glorified secretary and my father in law would say. But that's neither here nor there.
I spend my days doing the typical housewife thing, cooking, cleaning and taking care of these 2 beasts. Some where in between that I do my school work.
Please come back and see us, we'd love to have you. In the mean time, I'll just leave these cookies out for anyone who happens to wander by.
Hey Cutie!
Nicely done getting your butt in the blogging world! I like what you've done!
So now you're a camera fiend/blogging fool? Welcome!
How do you feel about ditching the typing test? I hate the little code words!
Hi, I am over from asthmagirls blog, I love your puppies. Asmagirl will tell you I don't stalk you, but I will stalk your puppies instead. Just kidding!
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Warning, It's addictive.
Welcome to our little addiction--er--blogosphere!
Hi Pinup Girl. (Can I call you Girl for short?).
The only reason to blog is because you want to. Because there's some stuff you want to write. And you obviously are doing that.
I got started because some friends were engaged in a worthy struggle over some important matters in the Southern Baptist Convention. I tossed in my 2 cents, and have just kept on writing as I enjoy it.
You don't owe any explanations when you blog. Well, not yet, anyway.
Welcome to the BlogWorld.
Thank you for all the welcomes, I hope I can keep this blog interesting as it goes along.
mamahut: My puppies would enjoy the stalking, believe me.
bob cleveland: You may call me Girl.
Geez,another blog I have to read in the morning to feel complete.I'm proud of you for going through with it.
BFF: Heart you for leaving me a comment. Look at me developing follow through.
Heart you too.Winston says hi to the pups.I'm off to clean my uncle's house for some extra dough.By the way I got a new job.I'll call later if I'm not home too late.TTFN
Welcome. Asthmagirl sent me your way. Hopefully the first one is the worst one. Looking forward to more. Keep writing. Bob
Thank you Bob. More is on the way.
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