I'm the oldest of 3 kids, I'm in my late 20's, the middle one recently turned 22 and now my youngest sister just turned 18, on Sunday. This of course brought it all home of just how old I am now. I remember vividly my mom and dad bringing her home as a baby. She was great. I bonded with her really strongly despite the 8 year age difference. And now here she is, a legal adult, able to do things that I think she shouldn't because in my mind she continues to be the 4 year old that I took care of because my parents were working.
So I want the know when the hell this happened. I feel like I was just in middle school. The BFF and I running to the playground to swing. And now I'm suddenly approaching 30 *gasp* and wondering why I can't stop time and just enjoy life for a moment. But time refuses to listen to me and the years keep going by faster and faster.
I'm wondering why at 26, I feel so old.
Because you're a "geezer". I use that term loosely as I'm quite a bit older than you. But trust me, you're practically ancient!
I agree with AG you are a geezer. I know what you mean though I can't belive your sister is 18, I think it might be because she is so sweet and inocent.
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