When Ogre and I decided to get another dog we went back to the same lady that we got Dove from and picked out a beautiful little lemon colored female puppy that we named Daisy.
Unfortunately, when I called the 'breeder' to find out when we could come get her, she told me that Daisy had died but didn't know what from and to come get our deposit. I was devastated. Not only because we'd lost our beloved Daisy, but because this woman decided it wasn't important enough to her to let us know when she was ill let alone dying.
After getting our deposit back from the 'breeder', we decided that we still wanted a new puppy and despite what had happened, we still wanted to bring one home that weekend.
I found the ad for Angus' litter in our local newspaper and I promptly called to go see them that night.
He was raised in a large house about 40 minutes away from us with a large backyard. They led out 4 puppies into their backyard for us to see. We liked him pretty much right away. Mostly for the cool lightening bolt pattern on his side.
He was such a cute little bugger.
We picked him up with Dove a few days later and tried to make his adjustment as easy as possible. Thank goodness for Dove. Without her I don't think he would have made it.
He was used to sleeping with his littermates and wherever he wanted, he was never crate trained. I would say for the first month when we locked him up at 10 pm, he would cry from 10 pm to 6 am when Joe got up for work. Nonstop.
We eventually worked through it. Then came his potty issues. We live in a 1 bedroom apartment, on the 2nd floor, so he didn't have access to a yard like he used to. Even now, if he has to go, you have to take him pretty much right then or end up with a pee trail on the floor.
Despite his many quirks, obedience, and potty issues, we love this dog. He is the first dog to greet us when we get home. When you sit on the couch, he's the one that crawls in the lap for a cuddle.
He's a good dog now and I'm glad we got him. I'm just glad it wasn't any worse.
Ogre and I are going house shopping tomorrow, so come back and see the possible dumps we went to look at.
Winston pooped in the house today for the first time in 8 years.He and Angus finally have something in common.Can't wait to see the dumps.
They sure have a way of getting to you don't they? Good luck house hunting!
Came over to check you out because of AG's mention. Lovely dogs and I can't wait to see what else you do with your new blog!
He is soooo cute! Have fun house hunting, ugh.
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