I was tagged my asthmagirl to do the seven. I'd like to let it be known that I'm not great with these and I do embarrass myself often when I take questionnaires. So here I go....
7 things I plan to do before I die 1) Go to Scotland
2) Have my own farm. Possibly in Montana.
3) Have a family
4) Learn to Salsa dance
5) See a Kentucky Derby in person
6) Go to Australia
7) Ride on an Airplain. Otherwise it would be a long swim to Australia.
7 things I can do
1) Make a fabulous garlic bread
2) Be a good listener and problem solver
3) A word find
4) Train dogs
5) Keep a Betta alive
6) Clean the house in 3 hours
7) Make my own household cleaners
7 things I cannot do
1) Handle a spider in my house
2) Drive a stick shift
3) Wear a bikini
4) Stop looking at and petting my dogs
5) Go a day without a shower
6) Spend a day without my husband
7) Go without a bra
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
1) Make me laugh
2) Intelligence
3) Inner Strength
4) Can go anywhere at the drop of a hat
5) Loves Dogs
6) Can sit and enjoy a quiet moment
7) Confidence
7 things I say most often
1) Noooo! (think Rachel from friends)
2) Dovey Dog!
3) Mini Mini! (Angus' nickname)
4) Your what hurts?
5) Stop doing that!
6) Leave it alone!
7) Do I have to?
7 celebrity crushes
1) Robert Pattison (He plays Edward in the new Twilight movie)
2) Leo Dicaprio (Titanic)
3) Val Kilmer (in Batman)
4) Orlando Bloom
5) Patrick Swayze (Dirty Dancing)
6) Jason Statham
7) US Olympic Men's Swim Team
This was hard to do. But hopefully now you know a little more about me. Thanks Asthmagirl.