Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Puppy Cuteness

We came home yesterday after a weekend with my in laws. I should be good for a while. We went to the zoo and went blackberry picking. We picked so many blackberries that we were able to make 3 pies, 12 jars of jam, and my mother in law still had enough left to freeze some to take home with her.

We'll be heading over to Montana on Friday to spend Labor Day weekend with her and we'll be coming home on Tuesday. The dogs will be coming with us which is exciting. Angus hasn't been over yet and Dove hasn't been since she was 5 months old. They'll have a good time I'm sure.

I managed to take a few pictures of the puppies while I was at my BIL's. They're 4 weeks now and as cute as can be. I even have a favorite.

He's as cute as can be. My neice named him Hank. If I didn't already have dogs, I would bring him home. He has the best personality out of all them, I think. But I don't really want anymore so I'll just enjoy him for the next few weeks and someone else can love on him after that.

Here's the rest of the litter:

Enjoy your Tuesday.

Friday, August 22, 2008


My mother in law came into town last night and we went down to see her. She lives in Montana and trys to make it over every few months to see everyone. We'll be staying down with her this weekend at my brother in law's house. That works well for me since I'll get to see the puppy cuteness everyday for a few days, and I'll be sure to take new pictures of the babies and post them here on Monday. Since we'll be gone, I hope everyone has a good weekend and I'll blog on Monday.

Here's some new pictures of the puppies I took just a few days ago. They'll never stop being cute.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I was tagged my asthmagirl to do the seven. I'd like to let it be known that I'm not great with these and I do embarrass myself often when I take questionnaires. So here I go....


7 things I plan to do before I die

1) Go to Scotland

2) Have my own farm. Possibly in Montana.

3) Have a family

4) Learn to Salsa dance

5) See a Kentucky Derby in person

6) Go to Australia

7) Ride on an Airplain. Otherwise it would be a long swim to Australia.

7 things I can do

1) Make a fabulous garlic bread

2) Be a good listener and problem solver

3) A word find

4) Train dogs

5) Keep a Betta alive

6) Clean the house in 3 hours

7) Make my own household cleaners

7 things I cannot do

1) Handle a spider in my house

2) Drive a stick shift

3) Wear a bikini

4) Stop looking at and petting my dogs

5) Go a day without a shower

6) Spend a day without my husband

7) Go without a bra

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex

1) Make me laugh

2) Intelligence

3) Inner Strength

4) Can go anywhere at the drop of a hat

5) Loves Dogs

6) Can sit and enjoy a quiet moment

7) Confidence

7 things I say most often

1) Noooo! (think Rachel from friends)

2) Dovey Dog!

3) Mini Mini! (Angus' nickname)

4) Your what hurts?

5) Stop doing that!

6) Leave it alone!

7) Do I have to?

7 celebrity crushes

1) Robert Pattison (He plays Edward in the new Twilight movie)

2) Leo Dicaprio (Titanic)

3) Val Kilmer (in Batman)

4) Orlando Bloom

5) Patrick Swayze (Dirty Dancing)

6) Jason Statham

7) US Olympic Men's Swim Team

This was hard to do. But hopefully now you know a little more about me. Thanks Asthmagirl.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm exhausted today. I'm not entirely sure why. I think it was because of all the hoopla yesterday with my interview. I'm not expecting to hear back from them until next week at the earliest. I'm sure they've got a bunch more people to talk to.

I think it'll be a pretty good job for me. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is giving shots. I don't like them and I'm not sure I could ever do it. But only time will tell I guess.

I've got a ton of stuff to catch up on at home today, as much as I would like to just have a chill out day, that's just not gonna happen.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I've got an interview this morning with a vet's office. I'm applying for a vet kennel assistant position and I think I've got a good shot at it. I have to run out the door now but I'll let you know how it went. Wish me luck.

Update: Everything went really well. So good in fact that I got a second interview! YAY! I'll let you know when I get that set up.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I would just like to start out by saying that watching Michael Phelps this last week has been the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I think he's the greatest athlete I've ever seen and I couldn't be more proud if I wanted to be. Congrats Michael!

OK, now that that's out of my system. The last few days here have been overwhelmingly hot. Much hotter than normal. But I'm trying not to complain too much. February will be here before I know it and we'll all be bitching about the rain and cold. So enjoy it while it's here people!

In the mean time, take some time to enjoy the small things today. Like this flower we snapped while in Oregon.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Update: I was woken up at about 4 am from some wicked heat lightning that parked over our house. It's so strange to have the thunder and lightning without the rain. This is very strange weather.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Puppy Fix

And now for something much cuter than a big hairy spider.

My brother-in-law's Lab had a litter of 6 a few weeks ago. I saw them first about 4 days after they were born, and we just saw them again on Sunday. I figured we'd go back every week or so and show how fast they're growing and how very cute they are. My niece and nephew are in the pictures too. So, enjoy the 2 week old puppy cuteness.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Spider Attack

That's something a lot of people know about me. I'm deathly afraid of spiders. I've heard all the reasons I shouldn't be afraid, and I'm here to tell you that it doesn't make a bit of difference. They can go be helpful and eat bugs outside. They do no good in my bedroom at 1 am.

Normally I can handle a spider attack and be ok after a while, but this was not a normal spider. It was a giant, brown, hairy, toxic waste spitting spider. It was so bad that I woke Ogre up at that ungodly hour to go in the bedroom and kill it for me. At that moment I had enough brain capacity to go "This would be a great blog topic." So I grabbed my camera and took pictures of him before Ogre squished the life out of him.

This is him from across the room about 2 feet from my bed. He could have killed me at any moment.

This is him with as much zoom as the camera could go. Notice how he's only got 3 legs on one side, he left the other one in my bathroom a week ago.

This isn't the first spider attack in a while. This is in fact the 3rd spider attack in 4 nights. All of them emerged in the twilight hours while I read, waiting for me to fall asleep so they could strike.

I was so freaked out after this that I had to sleep out in the living room with Ogre and the dogs. I still can't even really go in the bedroom or bathroom without checking the perimeter for spiders. I hope they stay outside so hubby won't have to keep getting up at 1 am to squish spiders for me.

Now I hope you all understand if I never come back to this post because just posting the pictures is setting my alarms off and I never want to see that hideous thing again. I'm going to go attempt to scrub myself clean with bleach and ajax, it gave me that bad a case of the heebie jeebies.

Update: I showed this to one of my friends, and she counted the legs and that spider does in fact have 8 legs. Which means there is still a 7 legged spider some where in my house. I may have to move.