My mother in law came into town last night and we went down to see her. She lives in Montana and trys to make it over every few months to see everyone. We'll be staying down with her this weekend at my brother in law's house. That works well for me since I'll get to see the puppy cuteness everyday for a few days, and I'll be sure to take new pictures of the babies and post them here on Monday. Since we'll be gone, I hope everyone has a good weekend and I'll blog on Monday.
Here's some new pictures of the puppies I took just a few days ago. They'll never stop being cute.

You didn't inform me that you guys were staying the weekend at the bro in laws.What if I need to vomit stress on you again?Although a whole weekend out there you'll probably do some vomiting on me on monday.
Hope you have a lovely time staying at the bil. Doesn't make sense to me since you guys don't live that far away, but whatever. At least I've got K3 to rub my feet!
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