Normally I can handle a spider attack and be ok after a while, but this was not a normal spider. It was a giant, brown, hairy, toxic waste spitting spider. It was so bad that I woke Ogre up at that ungodly hour to go in the bedroom and kill it for me. At that moment I had enough brain capacity to go "This would be a great blog topic." So I grabbed my camera and took pictures of him before Ogre squished the life out of him.

This isn't the first spider attack in a while. This is in fact the 3rd spider attack in 4 nights. All of them emerged in the twilight hours while I read, waiting for me to fall asleep so they could strike.
I was so freaked out after this that I had to sleep out in the living room with Ogre and the dogs. I still can't even really go in the bedroom or bathroom without checking the perimeter for spiders. I hope they stay outside so hubby won't have to keep getting up at 1 am to squish spiders for me.
Now I hope you all understand if I never come back to this post because just posting the pictures is setting my alarms off and I never want to see that hideous thing again. I'm going to go attempt to scrub myself clean with bleach and ajax, it gave me that bad a case of the heebie jeebies.
Update: I showed this to one of my friends, and she counted the legs and that spider does in fact have 8 legs. Which means there is still a 7 legged spider some where in my house. I may have to move.
I was going to note that the spider was fully equipped. I taught my youngest to suck up moths in the vacumn!
signed youknowwho
Yuck! I had these same spiders in my house a few months ago....I had to have someone come in and spray. Do you know what kind these are????
I blogged about it too and can't go back to the post because the picture freaks me out.
I have no idea what they are. I'm just hoping I don't get anymore of those in my house.
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